Happy Clients

When I decided to try Life Coaching with Julie, I was at a place in my life where I was sort of following my career path but I felt stunted, blocked, trapped and a bit lost as to what to do next and how to do it. I wanted to break through. I wanted a bigger career, a life full of creativity, more joy, more adventures, more self-care, more money, love, etc...

I worked with Julie for a full year and WOW how different my life is now!

I had felt that I was living my life, somewhat for other people. I stayed in jobs longer than I wanted to for fear of disappointing and letting others down. Or saying yes to gigs that I didn’t want to do for a fear of money scarcity or losing a work connection. I was being swept away in life rather than creating the life I wanted.

First of all, in our earlier sessions, I really got to know myself. The things I truly love to do and I tentatively began folding these things into my life.
It has been a year since my last session with Julie and I feel like a creative juggernaut, steaming down my life path. The one I was MEANT to have!
I have created a dream life for myself. I have more money, more love, more close friends, more adventures and a career that I only ever could have dreamed of before. I’m excited about my life and the possibilities waiting for me that I get to create!

If you feel a little bit stuck, your life a little stale and are not sure of how to break through, PLEASE do something great for yourself and ask Julie to help you along your journey and discover the life you’ve always dreamed of and that you were meant to have.
Don’t wait. This is important. This is YOUR life and the world needs you and the gifts you have to offer!
— Mandy Williams (private coaching client)
I’ve been transformed from a lonely hearted, singularly work-focused, distrustful woman to becoming someone who is happy, hopeful and trusting of her world. Working with Julie has been the catalyst for me really understanding what I want from life, and understanding how to get it.

 Before I started coaching I was not living a full life. I had a career that I loved, where I worked really hard to bring myself the success that I wanted. I got promoted. I worked harder. I bought myself a house, some place to call my own. I was driven to work harder, but I was lonely. In all areas of my life it felt like me against the world. Success came, but at a cost. I had surrounded myself in a false protection which was preventing me from pursuing what I really wanted in life - connection. I had told myself that there were simply no men out there, and that I was too old start a family in my forties. It was easier and safer to prioritize my work over connection, meaningful living, and ultimate happiness. 

Julie helped me to define and remember who I am, allowing me to start focusing on taking care of myself.

It is mind-blowing how transformational this work has been for me! I have brought balance and huge transformation to my work life, whilst enhancing my success at it. I opened up my mind and heart to a meeting a partner. I met someone whom I connect with on a deep level, got engaged, and have made plans to start a family. I’ve deepened my relationships with family, friends, co-workers, but mostly with myself. I’ve learned to honor my needs and wants, to implement boundaries when necessary, and to even ask for support when needed, (something that still feels uncomfortable, but so much more rewarding when I do so).

 Coaching has been the absolute best gift that I could have given myself. It’s transformed me from the point of breakdown at work and living my life through the lens of drudgery, to a life full of connection, meaningful living and ultimate happiness. 

— AJ, Dublin.
I was exhausted, completely burned out, and had lost my joy for life. I felt hugely overworked and undervalued in my job. I was newly pregnant with twins and carrying a lot of fear about what could go wrong with the pregnancy. I was afraid to leave the toxic job I was in, even though I knew it was damaging me, and despite having a job offer in an area more aligned to my interests. I was anxious, over analsying and catastrophising everything. I was in crisis. I wanted to feel like myself again, to find my light again. Life coaching with Julie was exactly the support I needed.

I cannot express fully enough what a fundamental shift I have had in my life since I started life coaching with Julie about a year ago. I spent the first few months really focussed on nourishing myself, getting reacquainted with my values and my desires, and addressing the fears and anger I was holding onto. Week by week and month by month it felt like I was climbing out of the darkness and coming back to who I truly am.

Thanks to Julie I started to value and to honour myself again. I recognised patterns and habits not serving me and began pushing out of my comfort zone in order to receive what I desired. Every time I did something that seemed scary and uncomfortable I would look back and think well that was not so hard after all.

Becoming a mother of twins has been a huge life shift for me and I chose to continue life coaching at this big time of change. I am so grateful that I did! It has kept me empowered in my new role as a mother and inspired and motivated to keep working on my creative projects. I am continuously choosing to live my life from a place of desire rather than fear and not let my important job as a mother be a reason to revert to previous patterns of putting my desires last. My regular coaching calls with Julie have been essential in supporting me to stand for this, especially when at times of sleep deprivation and parenting challenges my old patterns have resurfaced.

Since starting coaching I chose the new job - setting and keeping clear intentional boundaries giving myself the healthiest work life balance I have had in years; I found ease during my pregnancy and loved being pregnant; I navigated difficult decisions around the birth of my babies to ensure we were all safe but meeting my vision of the birth I wanted for me and them; I have created ways to keep myself nourished and having my needs met while caring for two small babies; I have found deeper connections and meaning in my relationships; and I am currently working towards another big life change to relocate and start a new business; and ultimately I am continuing to create the life I want to live.

I cannot thank Julie enough for supporting me to make the changes in my life I so desperately needed. She has a passion and gift for supporting and challenging people to live the life of their choosing. Julie helped me find my light and my joy. I am forever grateful.
— Aine Driscoll (private coaching client)
When I decided to reach out to Julie Paige, I was a recent widow trying to navigate my new life that I did not choose. When I first began working with Julie, I was emotionally struggling, experiencing family challenges, adjusting to being a solo parent of three children who were also grieving their loss of their father; while also trying to decide on a career move that would be more fulfilling and prosperous. Additionally, I had a patterned way of being where I needed to ask for others’ advice before making decisions and a habit of people pleasing to make everyone happy before myself.

Working with Julie I learned how to find my true essence. Julie helped me set goals on what I wanted my future to look like both personally and professionally. Professionally I made that positive change in my career. I also took a course to become a grief coach to give back to widow/widowers. I currently run a very successful support group which has been extremely healing, purposeful, and a legacy to honor my late husband. Personally I became confident in who I wanted to be, not allowing myself to put other first and learning to trust my own instincts more instead of always needed others’ advice. Found strength and courage while working with Julie. I’ve created a life that is so fulfilling and one I never thought possible! I’ve even entered in to a new romantic relationship with someone who is openhearted enough to give space for me to continue to remember my late husband with love, which has helped me heal these past two years. Julie showed me that I could choose the life I want and gave me the to tools to create it! I am beyond grateful for Julie. She is a one-of-a-kind coach.
— Kim Oswald (private coaching client)
The growth I have made with Julie is immeasurable. The value of her coaching will continue to pay off for the rest of my life. I feel empowered, courageous, and playing for what I want in life, my business and my relationships. This is achievable through the clarity I have gained in understanding my thoughts and emotions, as well as the tools she has customize to my needs based on my heart, lifestyle and goals. Speaking of goals, she has helped me to realize that I can dream big and how to bring these dreams to fruition. Most of all Julie has helped me to know what self love is and how to love myself as much as I love others. That lesson alone is priceless.
— Hope Diaz (private coaching client)
Julie was by far the most empowering coaching experience I’ve ever had. With the new awareness I realized I can really transform and embody a new way of being, and it completely shifted my personal relationships. I absolutely loved every aspect of our coaching experience. I’m so grateful. The tools we explored helped me to receive amazing breakthroughs in my field of awareness, and integrate the breakthroughs to a new way of being.
I felt completely safe and courageous to explore vulnerable areas with Julie and experienced a great amount of breakthroughs and growth from doing so.I know she would hold the same loving space for others to explore themselves with courage.

— Marcella Sharma *(Marcella came to me as a guest client through the renowned Accomplishment Coaching school were I received my coaching degree. She had experienced 10 coaches in a year long program, prior to working with me.)
I began my coaching with Julie not knowing how I’d accomplish the dreams I’d envisioned. Julie’s Most Inspired Life Coaching provided the framework for helping me shift my mentality, for helping me uncover the driving forces within me, and for helping me let go of my fear of taking risks. Since I’ve started coaching with Julie, I’ve begun three projects that are well on their way to becoming realities. I’m giving in to adventure and growth, all the while allowing myself to make mistakes, because as my incredible coach says, “life begins at the end of my comfort zone.” How will you live your most inspired life? Take a leap of faith. It’s worth the risk!

— Marisela Miranda (private coaching client)
When I began working with Julie three months ago, I was filled with a grand desire to expand my business and start new projects but no real plan to either set or achieve any goals. It quickly became apparent that I couldn’t really see them happening as much as I told myself I could. I was my own biggest obstacle! Although we still have 3 months to go on our current journey, I can already see some changes in my approach and my ability to conceptualize my dreams with concrete plans and a positive outlook. With Julie’s guidance I have identified those internal blocks and change-resistance mechanisms that had previously prevented me from moving forward or halted my progress. Which isn’t to say all growth has been steady! There are stops and starts to progress but Julie has been a strong, positive force; she is kind but keeps me accountable.”

(Update during Covid-19): “When I began working with Julie, I had no idea what would happen in just 4 months. In the space of a day or two, I needed to move my entire in-person, studio-based business online. While the process has been tremendously challenging, I have been able to face it with a sense of calm and clarity, viewing it more as an opportunity than a hardship and that is due to my work with Julie.”
— Leigh Purtill (private coaching client)


Meet my “Guru” Julie Paige... She created the MOST INSPIRED LIFE WORKSHOP.  This workshop has changed my life tremendously for the better. Being that I’m already into this lifestyle, I didn’t think there was much more to learn. Boy was I wrong!  Every class was life changing; and doing my practices throughout each week I could feel the space opening up for more opportunities and relaxation.  I’ve also had AMAZING private sessions.  This workshop will change your life, I promise.” 
— Anthony Christopher DeVito (group workshop client)