Get out of your mind and into your LIFE!


What is Coaching?

Coaching is defined by the International Coaching Federation as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”  As a coach, I see possibility everywhere and believe there are no limits to what my clients can create.  My job is to support clients in creating their life by design by getting clear on what that future vision looks like, what’s missing or in the way right now, and what steps can be taken today to bridge that gap. Coaches are like mirrors for their clients, reflecting what they see and helping clients see the facts of “what is” instead of the disempowering interpretations or stories they may be telling themselves.  Coaches impart to their clients that, at every moment, there is a choice that a client has access to that will either be empowering in moving them forward toward their goals or disempowering keeping them where they are.  The choice is always in the hands of the client, with no judgement from the coach. Coaches create a safe and confidential space for this thought-provoking dialogue. Coaches encourage and stand for clients to be in “integrity” (when intensions, speaking, and action are aligned) with their highest commitments to create their Most Inspired Life!


What’s the difference between Coaching Vs Therapy?

A lot of people wonder what the difference between coaching and therapy is.  Both mediums can be extremely powerful ways to transforms your life.  However, the approach and focus are quite different.  

Therapy is often about healing a trauma, treating a disorder or addiction, or fixing relationships or a problem that needs solving.  Therapy frequently focuses on the past root of the problem and treatment is given by an expert with the intension of treating or healing.  The role of therapy is usually to bring a client to a healthy level of being able to function in the world and in relationships.  

In Coaching we believe that our clients are already whole, capable, and creative.  While we may occasionally delve into the past, most of the focus is on forward movement through declaration, practice, and action.  We don’t fix problems but rather look to shift disempowering perspectives/contexts to empowering ones.  From that place we look for what choice or action will best serve our clients to move forward with excitement and momentum toward their dream life.  

The good news is that you don’t have to choose therapy vs coaching .  For many people the experience of coaching in tandem with therapy can be an extremely beneficial. 


What Can Coaching Do For You?

Coaching has the power to transform your life beyond your imagination; infusing your life with authentic joy, abundant success, and wholehearted living!

I serve a disparate group clients all over the world, ranging from senior management executives, Hollywood creatives, clients wanting to expand or start new entrepreneurial pursuits, college students seeking structure to create their futures, seniors transitioning into a retirement that will keep them engaged and excited about life, stay-at-home moms seeking more meaning and purpose, clients wanting romantic relationship support, a new relationship with themselves and others, and/or a shift from overwhelm, burnout, tolerance and drudgery to a life infused with wholehearted meaning, purpose, joy and love. Each of my clients are at vastly different stages in their life’s journey with uniquely disparate dreams and goals.  Here are some typical results people come to me to create: 

Work/Life Balance 

Creating balance between high level success at work and bountiful time for play, family, & self. Removing burnout, exhaustion, stress, and overwhelm and replacing it with passion, momentum, balance, and joy.


Cultivating deeper, more meaningful connected relationships with romantic partners, friends, and family.

Well Being/Health 

Designing better self care habits and healthier choices around sleep, nutrition, exercise, and wellness for body & spirit.

Financial Stability

Getting out of financial scarcity and all consuming stress around finances. Generating a higher income and freedom around finances.

Confidence/Self Worth

Eradicating self sabotaging thoughts and shame based fears while learn how to look inward for validation & love.


Launching a career full of passion and purpose. Changing careers from a dead end job, to one that inspires the soul and ignites creativity. Starting (and finishing) a passion project you’ve secretly always wanted to create!


Empowering yourself to create healthy boundaries and learning to ask for support & love without guilt or embarrassment.


My Packages/Services:

Getting Started:

Complimentary (Free) Discovery Session

  • Private Zoom call with Julie Paige

  • 1.5-2.5 hrs. in length

  • In our complimentary call you will learn more about the possibilities private coaching may hold for you and experience some coaching.

Life & Success Coaching/ Creating Your Life By Design: 

*All private & semi-private sessions with clients are held via Zoom Video Conferencing, which allows me to serve clients from anywhere in the world!

Private Coaching with Julie Paige

  • 6 month or 1 year packages available

  • This includes 4 Zoom Video Calls/month, 1hr each call and occasion support via email/text, if necessary.

  • In the foreground, we will generate 2-3 project designs in areas where you want to see results and work weekly on forward movement in these projects.

  • In the background, we will work toward shifting how you show up in the world from your survival mechanisms to your Essence/power source. This is the ontological aspect of coaching which is the “study of being.” The emphasis is on who you are BEING in the world and the power available to you when you show up from your Essence.

  • *Inquire about prices when you get started with your complimentary discovery session.

Semi Private Coaching with Julie Paige

  • 6 month or 1 year 

  • This includes 4 Zoom Video Calls/month, 1 1/2hrs each call, plus 2 private 1hr calls per contract, and occasional support via email/text, if necessary.

  • In the foreground, we will generate 2-3 project designs in areas where you want to see results and work weekly on forward movement in these projects.

  • In the background, we will work toward shifting how you show up in the world from your survival mechanisms to your Essence/power source. This is the ontological aspect of coaching which is the “study of being.” The emphasis is on who you are BEING in the world and the power available to you when you show up from your Essence.

  • *Inquire about prices when you get started with your complimentary discovery session.

Workshops, Retreats, Outreach Programs:

Summer 2024:

Nourished Living Retreat


A sacred and Powerful integration of Yoga & Life Coaching

3-day retreat in beautiful Westport, Co.Mayo, IrelandRETURN TO SELF SUNDAYS

Rejuvenate, Realign and Redesign

July 26-28, 2024 14 sacred Spaces

Facilitated by Los Angeles Based ICF, PCC, & TICC Certified International Life Coach: Julie Paige

& Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher: Áine Driscoll

Join us for a 3 day weekend of Love’s Wisdom Unfolding. Experience the powerful fusion of Harmony & Healing through Yoga (Movement, Breathwork, & Meditation), AND Empowered Living through Life Coaching sessions designed to awaken a thought-provoking and creative process that will inspire you to maximize meaning, purpose, joy, connection & sustaining fulfillment in your life long after you leave the retreat.

In our Nourished Living Retreat we will focus on weeding out obstacles to joy & peace like burnout, overwhelm, stress in your body & the weight of the world; while cultivating a deeper relationship with the whisper of your soul’s desire and a clear intention-filled future vision (with structures & practice) for fulfillment. Give yourself this beautiful gift of Nourished Living by joining us on this Healing Journey.We can‘t wait to welcome and support you with love and learning.